Piano Music featured on “Jazznytt” Magazine

“Piano Music is a coherent, intimate, vibrating collection of beautiful and interesting pieces.”
So grateful for this. Thank you / Tusen takk Norwegian journalist Audun Vinger for this nice review appeared on Jazznytt Magazine.
Wishing everyone a blessed weekend
Alessandro Sgobbio
Piano Music (2022)
Alessandro Sgobbio, pianoforte Fazioli F278
AMP Music & Records
Photo © Jeff Sales
Music Credits
Produced & Composed by Alessandro Sgobbio
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Stefano Amerio at Artesuono Recording Studios (Italy)
Piano Tuning by Claudio Soligon
Videoclips by Anita Soukizy
Cover by Jeff Sales
Website: https://www.alessandrosgobbio.it
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alessandrosgobbiomusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alessandrosgobbio
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/cfiiis