Charm is Alessandro’s Paris-based trio with French musicians Xuan Lindenmeyer (double-bass) and Frédéric Chapperon (drums).
Melodies that hit all the angles, accentuating crispness over flow, which adds to the intrigue and a compulsion to see where they go, even if there isn’t a lot of melodic development in the process, much how a car chase can be thrilling even if it never leaves a small area of city blocks. All three musicians talkative on their instruments, bolstering the rhythmic elements. Good stuff.
Dave Sumner (eMusic Jazz Picks — Best 5 albums of the week — Usa)
Alessandro Sgobbio est un musicien qu’on espère voir à l’avenir davantage exposé, car la musique qu’il compose tout comme son jeu lumineux méritent d’être partagés avec le plus grand nombre.
Olivier Acosta (Mozaïc Jazz — Fr)
Charm Trio ha la straordinaria capacità di trascinare l’ascoltatore in un mondo in cui l’orecchio umano coglie ogni singola nota e la immagina intrisa di una semplicità senza pari, anche lì dove in realtà c’è qualcosa di molto complesso. Una prova davvero notevole, un trio di musicisti di qualità non comune.
Sergio Spada (Jazz Convention — It)
Cover Photo © gaelic.fr